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About Compute Thing

Compute Thing Ltd was established in 2015 to provide software projects related to embedded systems from initial concept to integration and test.

Why "Compute Thing" ?

Michael's work has included testing and development of softwarefor standard PCs, workstation and servers.However, it has always had an emphasis on systems that include appliances,real-time systems, network communications, and things that are operated without a keyboard, screen and mouse.i.e. "Things that Compute" that may not always be described as "Computers". There has been an emphasis on machine to machine communication, and other elements which are now described as part of the "Internet of Things".

Compute Thing Limited

Compute Thing Limited is a source of software development,test management and embedded systems talent. With a background in software and testing for systems that could loosely be described as "TV, radio and media",but in reality cover a broad variety of large, complex systems of servers, PC software and intelligent devices.

Prior to Compute Thing

    From graduation Michael worked as a real-time software engineer progressing to project leadership.

    After establishing software processes for a multinational project, Michael led the establishment of a new test department, which led to a career transition to leadership and management of teams testing large scale radio and device networks.

    Michael continued technically with system architecture, tool development, system architecture, and 2nd level support.

    Michael continually divested parts of his roles to allow organisational growth.


Compute Thing is based in South Queensferry, just outside Edinburgh on the Forth coast.Nearby are quiet beaches, Port Edgar Marina and a few famous bridges.(The driftwood pictured here is close to the new Queensferry Crossing).

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Interests - parkrun

    Michael runs regularly and contributes as a regular volunteer and run director at his local parkrun.

    As a run director, Michael enjoys pulling together the team of volunteers.

    The technical challenges of optimising the layout and systems to suuport up to 800 runners, and the analysis of run meta-data to correct results errors, are also interesting.

Interests - kayaking

    Michael enjoys sea kayaking, with the combination of enjoying the environment, while needing to respect its power.

    Paddling in a group gives a focus to leadership, followership, self development and development of others.

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