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Large scale system test

Testing of geographically distributed systems with many nodes and devices with complex networking infrastructures

Michael has led the testing of systems where scale has been a significant factor requiring the use of simulation and advanced test facilities:

  • VMS systems displaying up to 100 video streams
  • Video recording of 800 video streams with 3Gbps bandwidth and 100s TB storage
  • Radio networks with 50+ base stations and 10000s mobile devices
  • call signalling for nationwide mobile networks
  • networks spread across timezones, satellite links and low-bandwidth wide area infrastructure

The work has required:

  • Planning of test approach to cover risks
  • Specification of tools required to simulate parts of system
  • Specification of tools required to control and observe system under test
  • Story point estimation and sprint planning
  • Holding reviews with teams delivering components on test readiness
  • Leading and managing project wide bug reviews and triage

IndigoVision Test Team Leadership

Video Management and Network testing of large-scale CCTV product with: front-end application, server based Network Video Recorders, other server based components, and networks of cameras.


Agilent aCCESS7 Troubleshooting Test Team

Leading testing of a distributed monitoring system for national mobile and fixed line phone networks.


Motorala Tetra System Integration Test

Testing of a regional high-availability radio system
